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Social networks are increasingly popular


Social networks are increasingly popular :

With more than 25% of global growth, social networks are increasingly popular. Yet this is nothing compared to, the first to MySpace since the beginning of the year, which would have more than doubled its global audience in a year Protected content . In any case that demonstrates a ComScore study published Tuesday, August 13, Protected content .

In Latin America Protected content %, 400% more than in Asia or the Middle East, Protected content % in Europe, the growth of the first global social network continues to reach extremes. Facebook now totals more than Protected content unique visitors (VU). Behind, the former leader Myspace, owned by News Corp., will have thought of 3% over the past year. It now counts Protected content . Then who, having doubled its audience between July Protected content July Protected content , reached 56 million VU, followed by (50%), Orkut (41%), and (32% ), Which gathers between 20 and 30 million VU each.

For Jack Flanagan, the vice-president of ComScore, Facebook has been very popular service abroad during the past year. " A result that puts on behalf of a good adaptation of the interface Facebook to the various local languages.

However, although his hearing is strongest in North America Protected content , Facebook is only 38% growth in the region. A phenomenon which can be explained by the fact that the U.S. market social networks have reached a "point of maturity," said Jack Flanagan.

Figures that justify, according to Forrester Research, only 48% of advertisers wishing to increase their investments in social networks, even in case of recession, which could grow their spending by more than 3% in Protected content . Not surprising given the number of useful information that can capture social networks ...

Alternative social networks professionals LinkedIn American and German Xing, french Viadeo uses the services of Acxiom to better retain its members and accompany the evolution of its economic model to value-added services (premium).

The services offered by Acxiom, a specialist in targeting marketing and offline, include identification of behaviour types of network members. They are also based on the distinction between profiles "high potential" (free to registered members may opt for premium services) and profiles "at risk" (inactive or going to become).

Finally, in the words of Francis Cordel, responsible development in Acxiom France, analysis of these data should help Viadeo "to implement targeted measures" to optimize the loyalty of its members and recruiting new members.

Viadeo claims more than 2 million active members for its platform of formal relationship. By comparison, Xing said in July Protected content passed the 6 million members, LinkedIn, the English-speaking, that of 25 million.

After the German Xing and french Viadeo, the British Talkbiznow tries to make a name on a market for professional social networks dominated by American LinkedIn. This Monday, August 18, Protected content , Talkbiznow formally launched in its beta 1 English-speaking Internet users.

Martin Warner, co-founder and president of Talkbiznow, introduced the first network as the platform for setting professional relationship "truly interactive." Warner asserts that Talkbiznow recall more Facebook, the star of all public social networks that austere LinkedIn. Bluff marketing? Talkbiznow offers its users communication tools as Web conferencing and video instant messaging, file storage, blogs and sharing of contacts. The Beta 1, active until 15 September, will provide an opportunity to obtain feedback from users. Eventually, premium services should be offered to ensure the viability of the offer.

Based in London, the company Talkbiznow have completed two rounds of table and would get $ 25 million in a new fundraising. The platform aims to convince 3 million users during the first six months of its activity. By comparison, LinkedIn, a company valued 1 billion dollars, displays more than 25 million members around the world.

Concurrent on LinkedIn and Viadeo, Xing, social network business of German origin, rises to power. A 15.91 million in the first half of Protected content , including 8.41 million € in the second quarter alone, sales of the company has almost doubled over the same period in Protected content . EBITDA (operating income before depreciation and amortization) to 5.76 million and a margin of 36% represent a tripling in one year.

In addition to these preliminary results, Xing announced Tuesday, July 22, Protected content passed the 6.14 million members worldwide, including through the acquisition of 108,000 new members' premium '(there are 470,000 in total) . Subscription is the most lucrative for Xing (12.64 million € of income over the semester). As for advertising activities (1.13 M €) and commercial (1.96 M €) - Xing has completed its services in an advertising platform and a function of e-commerce Protected content represent 20% of CA society.

Beginning Protected content , Lars Hinrichs, founder and president of Xing AG, said: "we prove that Xing is not only a unifying active on the European market for professional network, but that the company is also intensifying its organic growth".

Alternative social networks professionals LinkedIn American and German Xing, french Viadeo claims Protected content communities. A year after being put into service, they bring together 160,000 members in France, nearly 2 million users of the platform of formal business relationship.

These communities take the form of "private spaces" co-brandés Viadeo, managed by partners. Among these schools and alumni associations: PGSM, ESSEC, EMLYON, ESC Lille, Central, Epitech, Grenoble School of Management, IAE Paris, Dauphine ... "Impossible as an association of graduates of a large school of management to ignore the strength of social networks. In associating ourselves with Viadeo, we wanted to offer all our graduates the opportunity to remain in contact, and that, whatever their career or their life projects, "said in a statement Brigitt Albrecht Rohn, marketing director of the ESC Lille.

The tool is also used by organizations like the Medef REDD (network environment sustainable development) and Afterdan, alumni association group Danone. The space allows users to put forward their profiles, share their experiences, develop their contacts or disseminate calls for collaboration.

LinkedIn attracted investors! The global benchmark for professional social networks has raised $ 53 million from Bain Capital Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, Sequoia Capital and Greylock Partners. Contestant social networks German Xing and french Viadeo, the American company is now valued 1 billion dollars.

This new fundraising, LinkedIn lifted in the past 27 million from its investors, confirms the validity of his model. The platform, which displays more than 23 million members around the world, have attracted 7.7 million unique visitors in May, representing a growth of 146% over a year, according to Nielsen. In addition, LinkedIn is expected to generate $ Protected content revenue this year.

Gourmand Amazon! After bought AbeBooks, the merchant culture is about to acquire the social network Shelfari, reports the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in its edition dated 25 August Protected content , referring to "sources close to the dossier".

Based in Seattle, Washington, co-founded by Josh Hug (ex-RealNetworks), the company Shelfari allows lovers of books to create virtual libraries, share playlists and discover new products. Amazon would have already participating in the sapling created in Protected content the support of business angels as part of a fundraiser estimated at $ 1 million. For its part, AbeBooks, former specialist book recently acquired by Amazon, has a stake in LibraryThing, competitor Shelfari.

The acquisition of Shelfari would therefore Amazon, a cybermarchand become a veritable supermarket mail to USA, to make a pierre two shots.

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