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Advise on relocation and schools (Toulouse)

Hi family and I will be moving to Toulouse in March Protected content . We are currently looking at schools for our 9 year old and need some guidance, advise from like minded parents. Our son was born in the UK and his first language is therefore English. My husband is French and I am German. Both languages are spoken at home. Looking at integrating our son, who speaks fluent French (but does not write or read French) into the French school system. Would you recommend a normal state school or a bilingual setting ? We would like him to pursue with his English and are worried, if he goes to just a normal public French school, his English will disappear over time, since the school English is likely to be very basic.
What are your views, suggestions ? I am looking for parents, who had to make a decision on where to put their children to school and how their children have adapted ? We would continue speaking English at home but obviously, not being mother tongue, there could be a risk of reducing his vocabulary.
It's a very delicate subject, as the only public bilingual school is Lucie Aubrac, which is run by English 31. However, one needs to live in the catchment of either Colomier or Tournefeuille to be considered a place. We are looking at it from all angles so if anyone can give some guidance, help or tips, how they coped with the move and integration, would be highly appreciated.

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