If you enjoy driving and value your independence, you’ll want to keep using a car – even when moving to another country, where you may need to get used to different traffic conditions. For expat motorists, car insurance is a big part of staying safe. Read our tips on international policies below!
After living abroad for a long time, expats often feel like a fish out of water when they move “back home”. Our member Nuran Akdemir experienced just that when she moved back to Istanbul after having lived in London for 25 years. Here, she tells her story!
After my own personal encounters meeting some very strong and inspiring expat women, as well as from reading recent articles here on InterNations contributed by “trailing spouses”, I was motivated to write about another group of inspirational, strong female expats.
Planning an international life or starting an expat assignment comes with quite a few special hurdles. Job-hunting and choosing the right school for your kids are just two of the many little assignments that await you in your new international life. Our checklist gives you guidance for this process!
Making your way as a stranger in a strange land is often a challenge, and you may get into sketchy situations at times. Scammers try to profit from new expats’ lack of experience, and some places require you to take additional safety precautions. Stay alert and keep the following measures in mind!
Living in a foreign country is hard enough as it is, with all the administrational issues you have to deal with. But if you don’t want to get stuck in the expat bubble, you'll need to learn to adjust to life in a foreign country. InterNations gives you a few tips on how to succeed at this challenge.
Portugal, Taiwan, and Mexico top the table when it comes to the friendliness of the local population towards foreign residents, but expats can expect a frosty welcome in Switzerland, Austria, and Kuwait, according to the respondents of the Expat Insider survey.
Women who move abroad sometimes face safety concerns they did not necessarily have to deal with at home. Going for a walk alone or wearing your usual attire may suddenly become problematic. InterNations provides you with safety tips, as well as advice on dealing with risky situations.
Among expats sent on foreign assignments, international women are still "the odd man out". However, such figures don’t include many expatriate women who find a job abroad on their own. In both cases, international women, as well as their spouse, may face unexpected issues – find out more below.
Doing volunteer work abroad or working for an NPO or NGO is as popular as ever. However, while this type of work will allow you to experience foreign cultures in a whole new way, it is also very demanding. Before you embark, make sure to ask yourself the right questions!
In honor of International Women’s Day on 8 March, we are taking a closer look at the average expat woman. Where does she live? Why has she moved there? What’s the state of her career? And is she happy abroad? Based on our Expat Insider survey, we can answer these questions and see if her experience of life abroad differs from that of her male peers.
International regulations can be a tricky issue with regard to fiscal matters. When you move abroad, you may be faced with paying various kinds of tax in several countries. The overview below helps you make sense of the tax system in your new home away from home.
When I first arrived in Australia at the age of 16 to go to High School for one year and live with a host family I was completely over the moon with everything — and I mean everything! When the plane finally touched down in Sydney I was so excited and exhilarated that I was finally in Australia, something we had been planning for many months.
Ever wondered about the best way to exchange foreign currencies? Always wanted to know more about international payment methods? Exchange rates, transaction fees, and international payment methods will be no mystery to you with our overview of everything that currency exchange entails.
Thinking of going overseas? Be aware: Visa applications, finding accommodation and getting a job abroad are not the only important preparations for taking such a big step. Moving to a foreign country can also put you under a considerable amount of emotional strain – but having the right attitude will get you far!