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InterNations Salt Lake City June Event

Hosted by the Salt Lake City Ambassador
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
235 S 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Salt Lake City, United States of America

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Sunday the 30th will be our next get together. We have many members who work out of town during the work week as well as live in the Provo and Ogden Area finding it challenging to drive to SLC on a weeknight. There has also been requests to hold events at alternative places than a bars. I checked the weather it it may be up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit 37 degrees Celsius that day so we should plan an indoor event.

So... drum roll please!

{% location %}

The Rose Establishment will be on Sunday June 30th at 1 pm or 1300.

I love the Rose Establishment in Downtown SLC. It is a locally owned and operated coffee, tea, restaurant, with options for foods and light snacks such as scones and salads. {% endlocation %}

So come out and spend your Sunday afternoon with friends.

InterNations Ambassador Salt Lake City
Living the InterNations spirit - Nobody stands alone!
InterNations is constantly growing and for many guests, this will be their first event. Please be welcoming and introduce them to your friends. Live the spirit of connecting global minds to ensure that every member has a lovely time. Thanks!
InterNations provides the infrastructure to organize activities. The voluntary organizers do not represent InterNations as vicarious agents. In the case of gross negligence by the organizers, InterNations therefore does not accept any legal responsibility for resulting damages. Neither InterNations nor the event organizers assume liability for any loss of or damage to personal property, nor shall they be held responsible in the event of financial, physical, or emotional damage. Organizers and attendees of in-person events agree to adhere to any official health guidelines and local COVID-19 restrictions.