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(almost) new in town:) (Cape Town)


helo to all of you,

This is a note to briefly introduce myself to the community and hopefully get insights on a couple of practicalities.
I'll be arriving to Cape Town shortly for a very interesting 6+ months project. I've lived across many continents, this is the first time on the african one, though. Very exciting!

I'm in the process of gathering documents for the work permit. I'd appreciate help on a couple of questions.
1- Health insurance. What best value options would you recommend for foreigners? I'm 34, single and very healthy:) My european health cover ran out with the latest contract.
2- Housing. I have to provide evidence of accommodation, a Protected content starting point would do. What would you recommend? Airbnb?

Many thanks for all tips and info.
Be well!
Anna Magdalena

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