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A few questions from a new expat... (Ankara)


Hi all!
I will be moving to Ankara within the next month for a new job and have a few general questions I'm hoping someone can assist me with!

The first is, how easy or readily available is public transportation? I'll be working at Ankara ES/HS and will have three weeks to find an apartment. Depending on the transportation situation, will determine what areas I try to look within for an apartment.

Second, my phone.
I've researched a little bit but was having a hard time understanding the websites for TurkCell and Turk Telekom even when they were set to English. I read that a lot of shops/cafe's/etc have free WiFi and so I may not need that many GB's for my phone. Is this true? What would you recommend? I've also been told I should just be able to go in to one of the phone shops (for whichever provider I choose) in order to register my phone in Turkey, purchase a SIM card, and get a new number.
Is it really that simple?

And for my ladies, do you have any gynecologists you recommend? I am due for an annual exam, and need to ensure I have a good doctor given my family history. Any recommendations of a good gynecologist is very much appreciated!!

Thank you all!

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