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Special Italian Event

Hosted by the Consul of the Madrid Talk Italian Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Tue 19 Nov 18:00 - 19:30

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Dear friends,

I am pleased to announce a special event in a fantastic place: the crowdfunding concert for the docufilm "UTOPIA". Utopia tells the story of a forgotten shipwreck that occurred on March 17, Protected content , when the steamship Utopia tragically sank in the port of Gibraltar, taking with it over Protected content , primarily Italian emigrants dreaming of a new life in America. The project is sponsored by the Consulate General of Madrid, and you can find more information on the Com.It.Es web: Protected content

IMPORTANT: To attend this concert, you must purchase the ticket in advance. I already have my ticket and will be seated on PLATEA ZONA C, row 10, seat 8. So, anyone who wants can buy a ticket near where I will be sitting. Please also note that I will arrive at the concert at 18:30 due to work commitments, which means I will be a bit late.

If you want to come, buy your ticket now because the concert will be complete. On the same evening after the concert, Circolo Bellas Artes will also celebrate the Italianity Awards Protected content , with many Italian people in Madrid attending!

Take advantage of a very special evening for Italians in Madrid!