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Finding Your Balance in Your Age Journey

Hosted by the Consul of the Mexico City Healthy Living Group
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Took place 6 days ago
Fri 20 Sep 19:00 - 22:00

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Are you suddenly struggling finding a balance ⚖️ between a nice sleep, a fine digestion and your overall beauty.

We can't stop the age journey, but we can do face it in the best way possible through understanding how and why our body changes.

Join us in this get together, and we will give you tips on how to recover your face youth. We have invited a plastic surgeon that will give us some advices in this age journey and through a very advance App you'll be able to see in advance how your face can look after doing the tips she will give us.

And as for our overall health I will open your eyes on how the menopause and andropause process affect our body balance.

Are your facing problems with stomach swelling, your digestion is slower, are you facing allergies and skin problems.?

Through my personal journey I will open your eyes to get conscious on our body changes and how little changes in our traditional way of eating can do all the difference in our health and most of all how to learn to easy cook delicious and healthy recipes.

Don't loose our first monthly get together.

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REGISTRATION: You will need to register up to the 18th of September.

The price is just for food. The drinks you order, you pay it directly to the restaurant.

When you register, we will send the cost by DM.