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A Night at the Theatre - "Lullaby for A Grown Man"

Hosted by a member of the Malmoe Culture Group
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Took place 1 month ago
Thu 30 May 19:00 - 20:00

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- Three strong actresses present in English a rehearsed staged reading of a 1 hour play at Bastionen, Malmö.
Thursday 30 May 19:00 hrs.

In a small country by the sea three generations of women share a home - a grandmother, a wife and a daughter. But where is the man of the house? His kit bag is packed for The Front. The door to the bedroom is locked. Is he there? Can he speak? Has he left to fight? Or has he come and gone?

As the women chatter and bicker, days pass. The teenage daughter plays on her phone … and three women sing a lullaby to the bees that are slowly vanishing from the face of the earth…
“Lullaby for a Grown Man” is a bitter-sweet, tragicomic, brilliant piece of writing for the stage, by Malmö-based playwright Keren Klimovsky whose plays have been put on in Ukraine, Israel, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. This is the national premiere of this play in Scandinavia and Sweden.

“Lullaby for a Grown Man” is a sterling example of a play that hits home with a dose of humour, more than a slice of grim reality and a touch of the absurd. It that speaks volumes about the reality of life in today’s society with its conflicts, family tensions; the toll of living in a world subject to forces and history bigger than our own.

*This performance is a rehearsed, staged reading in English in the hands of an experienced director; a work in progress where the British/American cast have their scripts in hand.