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Ice Skating in Ludwigsburg

Hosted by the Consul of the Stuttgart Sports Group
Event Cover Photo
Starts in 5 days
Sun 16 Mar 09:00 - 11:00

Ready to Join?

Dear all,

Let's go ice skating in Ludwigsburg! The admission is 7 €. You can either bring your own skates or rent them for 4 €. A bistro is available for having snacks and drinks.

Ice skating in the morning has the advantage that there are less people on the surface. The ice skating rink is far away from the train station in Ludwigsburg. I can pick up a few people at the train station. If you would like to be picked up then please send me a private message.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions. If you have questions within less than four hours before the activity starts then please either call me or send me a private message which includes your phone number.
