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LusOFest INDEPENDÊNCIA (INDEPENDENCE) Documentary, Angola 2015

Hosted by a member of the Frankfurt Taste of Africa Group
Starts in 2 days
Thu 23 Jan 18:05 - 21:15

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On the 11th of November Protected content , 14 years after the start of the armed conflict, Angola declares its independence from Portuguese colonial rule. Only after the military coup of 25 April Protected content Revolution) did Portugal recognise the colonies’ right to self-determination.

Independência is about the memory of colonial rule in Angola and, according to director Fradique (Mário Bastos), is intended to promote dialogue between the generations that took part in the struggle for independence and those born after. It meticulously traces the events of the past and documents Angola’s independence, from the first steps to the most important scenarios. We will be showing the documentary in the original Portuguese with subtitles on Thursday, 23 January Protected content 19h30 at Flimklubb Offenbach (doors open at 18h00).

Vorfilm: Memórias de Pau-Preto e Marfim (Memories of Blackwood and Ivory), Inês Costa, Portugal Protected content , OmU, 16 min