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One Day at an Alentejo Wine Estate

Hosted by the Consul of the Lisbon Portugal Explorers Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Sat 25 May 12:30 - 23:00

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One of Alentejo’s most famous wine producers is celebrating another year of success, and we are thrilled to join the party.

There will be free food and wine, but also special wine tasting shows, handcraft, regional delicacies, music, and traditional games.

Being on the attendee's list doesn’t guarantee your participation. To ensure your place on this trip, a prepayment is needed. As this tour has only 12 places, the rule is first-paid, first-served. Before paying, always ask first if there’s still a place available. I’m available on WhatsApp Protected content

You can pay by MBWAY to the above number.