Teer + Flur - Techno Post Punk and Pop - Wednesday Concert

Teer + Support: Flur
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TEER fuse influences from styles like techno and post-punk, reinterpreting them in a pop-infused approach. Hard technoid sounds with pounding drums, driving synthesizers, atmospheric distorted tones, and haunting vocals—all immersed in a dark mood.
Their songs revolve around the impending apocalypse, the world's sorrow, and a critical perspective on humanity. They explore dependencies on consumption, material possessions, other people, oneself, power, and intoxication. Themes of repressed desires, the forbidden, and the depths of life's darker side take center stage.
In Protected content , TEER released their first singles. On October 13, Protected content , their debut EP *"GEISTER, DIE WIR RIEFEN"* will follow. The storm is approaching.
First at the bar and later front row : Protected content always
see you there
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