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Crowning Miss Lucia 2024 Plus Lucia Choir Parade

Hosted by the Consul of the Helsinki Walking & Exploring Group
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Took place 1 month ago
Fri 13 Dec 16:15 - 19:15

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Santa Lucia is a BFD in Sweden and among Swedish speaking Finns. Every year on 13 December Finland's new Lucia Princess is crowned in the cathedral at Senaatintori. There is lots of singing by choirs young and old and then the Lucia parade goes thru downtown Helsinki. Full program below.

I will update with where we are seated and try to save a couple of seats but when you see the crowds of Swedish speakers you'll understand why early arrival is recommended. Afterwards, at 18:00 we'll watch the beginning of the parade from the base of the south steps (the steep ones) and wave to Miss Lucia before optionally repairing to a warm cafe.

St. Lucia's program

The winner of the currently running competition (see Protected content will be crowned Lucia of Finland in Helsinki Cathedral on Friday, December 13, Protected content 5 p.m. The cathedral is open to the public, but there are limited seats inside the church. You can also follow the coronation live on Yle Fem and Yle Arena starting at 17:00.

After the coronation, the Lucia cortege travels through the center of Helsinki, starting shortly after 6 p.m. The cortege moves along the traditional route, starting from the Cathedral steps on Regeringsgatan. The cortege's route is then Unionsgatan–Alexandersgatan–Mannerheimvägen–Norra esplanaden–Unionsgatan and back to Senatstorget.