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Melchsee Frutt Winter Hike to Tannalp

Hosted by the Consul of the Zurich Hiking Group
Started 9 hours ago
Sun 09 Mar 08:00 - 17:30

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This is an easy hike on well-prepared, wide paths. The trail leads around the snow-covered Tannensee and back to Melchsee-Frutt. The hike has hardly any ascents. The small chapel at Melchsee invites you to take a detour and there is another picturesque chapel along the way. we should walk next to two frozen lakes.

Duration: From Protected content to Protected content and back you need to allow approx. 2.5 hours.

How to get there:

there are 2 ways to get there:

Protected content

Protected content

Protected content Fruttstrasse 38, Protected content

We start by riding the cable car which is CHF 21 return ticket with halb tax

Since this week no snow expected. we might not need the snowshoes, we only need a waterproof hiking shoes with sticks.

What to bring:

Lunch, water
Waterproof hiking shoes,
hiking sticks