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Fencing - Sparring Session

Hosted by the Consul of the Hong Kong Sport & Fitness Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Thu 02 May 19:00 - 22:00

Ready to Join?

For this session you must have done at least 1 session before.

2-3 hour session Protected content including coaching.

Please bring along a spare t-shirt, towel, some water and wear long tracksuit bottoms with trainers and SOCKS (to cover your ankles). If you have any health issues, please advise us beforehand.

You need to pay in advance to secure your booking (confirm with Mike Simmonds). We will need to collect rough sizes for the equipment beforehand, please message/WhatsApp me if you have more questions.

7:00pm meet at the venue with a 10pm latest finish. You can be a little early to get ready.