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Join Us in a “Trip without Borders''

Hosted by the Consul of the Athens Great Outdoors and Indoors Group
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Starts in 3 weeks 2 days
Tue 24 Sep 19:45 - 23:30

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Nikos Portokaloglou and the humanitarian organization “Doctors Without Borders,” host a concert for a good cause.

Special guests are Panos Mouzourakis and Nefeli Fasouli, and joining Vicky Karatzoglou, Vyron Tsourapis, and the dynamic band “Eugene Alites.”

El Sistema Greece Youth Choir, a multicultural and dynamically evolving vocal music ensemble open to young people aged 8 to 26 will also participate.

The concert supports the mission of Doctors Without Borders to continue their work across the globe and respond to major crises.

To book your ticket (Seats are unnumbered) : Protected content

Car access to the theater parking lot on the day of the concert will only be allowed for the disabled, the elderly, and for getting on/off taxis. A shuttle bus is provided free of charge by the City of Athens and will take us up to the Theater.