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Giorgio De Chirico: 1924

Hosted by a member of the Turin Community Group
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Took place 1 month ago
Sat 25 Jan 10:45 - 12:45

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We will have a dedicated guided tour for this exhibition in the wonderful Fondazione Accorsi-Ometto.


You can find more about the exhibition under:
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As usual, we'll be guided by our fantastic tour leader Francesca, who is also very knowledgeable about the permanent collection at the fondazione, as we had the chance to experience already last year.

The fondazione is a must-see if you are in Torino (you can read more about it here: Protected content and they also regularly host very rich and meaningful temporary exhibitions in a magnificent scenario.

Please be so kind to send a symbolic pre-payment of 5.00 EUR (through Satispay to me or bank transfer - and I'll share details with who needs them - at least the guide, who will take us through the visit, is assured to get her money).

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