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Hiking in Seville 2024-2025 Season Meet & Greet

Hosted by a member of the Seville Community Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 week 1 day ago
Thu 19 Sep 20:30 - 21:30

Ready to Join?

This is an unofficial kick-off event for those interested in participating in and organizing hiking trips in and around Seville. The aim is to keep it non-commercial and as low-cost and convenient as possible in terms of transportation.

In addition to meeting new friends and connecting with like-minded people, we'll exchange ideas about possible routes we can explore together as an English-speaking group, though speakers of other languages are welcome.

In the past, we've hiked in the Sierra de Aracena region, Castilblanco (part of the official Camino de Santiago), and the Sierra de Málaga. We hope to repeat these experiences with more participants, exploring new destinations as often as possible to enjoy the beauty of Andalusian nature together.

There are no additional costs for our hiking events, such as guide fees, as all hikes are led by volunteers. The only expenses you'll incur are transportation costs, such as bus fares or, if carpooling, a share of the petrol and any vehicle depreciation. Additionally, you'll need to cover your own food and drinks (if not packed from home).

Feel free to post questions or suggestions below if you can't attend this event but would like to join us for future hikes.

So, pack your lunch, get your gear ready, put on a smile, and join us!