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Dinner With Strangers

Hosted by a member of the Porto Community Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 month ago
Fri 24 Jan 20:00 - Sat 25 Jan 01:00

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Ready to make new friends? Join our Dinner with Strangers!

January is a calm month full of promises, dieting, going to the gym, a new job, finding new friends and why not? a boyfriend. This time we will start by meeting new people on a night that will be very fun and a unique experience where we will have dinner, chat and why not dance a lot.

This will be the best way to make new friends in

We need to know you age , Just for divided into average ages by the 3 tables.

*DINNER: €30
*8-9 pm - Icebreaker activities
* Protected content - Enjoy a delicious meal (starter, main, dessert) drinks extra
*11 pm-01am - Keep the conversation going, disco-bar, after-party (on the same spot )
Secure your spot with pre-payment (MB WAY or IBAN)