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AMOU Exhibition Art

Hosted by a member of the Casablanca Community Group
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Took place 2 days ago
Tue 24 Sep 19:00 - 20:29

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Yamou was born in Protected content Casablanca.

A student at the Sorbonne, Yamou obtained a DEA devoted to contemporary art in Morocco. At the end of the Protected content , he set up his workshop in the Paris suburbs and began his aesthetic adventure.

From his first works, nature has always occupied a predominant place, whether in the materials he uses or the subjects he represents. Yamou thus creates a pictorial garden whose possibilities he exploits to infinity.

The artist cultivates plants in the material of his paintings, as if to transform the work into a living space. It is not so much the mastery of the landscape that motivates his approach as the diving into detail. Sometimes leafy, sometimes bare, the plants give a quiet strength to Yamou's paintings and evolve, as if weightless, in his pictorial universe.
In his recent paintings, the artist is interested in the organic world. The petals and corollas pass under the microscope of the artist's eye to reveal their inner riches. Yamou has never been so close to the boundaries that separate figuration from abstraction.

Yamou lives and works between Paris and Tahannaout.

We will meet in front of the Gallery . Protected content to meet you there

instagram: @internationscasa