Theatre Series Spring 2025-OBJECTION - Improv BYOB Event
Come out and Join me for this Fun and Fabulous Musical. If you please contact me directly and we can make sure you get a ticket with the group. My number is Protected content . Tix are about $25 a piece, depending on the number of participants.
Here is a Synopsis of the Show!!
Court is back in session for Objection! An Unscripted Courtroom Comedy. Based on a suggestion of something that isn’t a crime but SHOULD be, our cast of legally hilarious performers will weave a riveting courtroom trial right before your eyes! Come watch as they reveal shocking evidence, question surprise witnesses, and object to just about everything.
Content Warnings: Mild to strong language, appropriate for ages Protected content parental guidance.
Special Shows – Jan 18th, Feb 15th, March 15th
Objection: Subpoena Colada!
This special Protected content of the show features more adult themes and a play-along drinking game.
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