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Daytrip to Nizhny Novgorod

Hosted by a member of the Moscow Community Group
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Starts in 1 week 4 days
Sat 03 Aug 07:15 - 23:59

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Hello, my dear friends!

We organise a short one day trip to Nizhny Novgorod on August 3. My friend, Sergio Malecci, who lived there for 11 years, will be our second host and guide. We’re going to share his passion for cities and urban planning along with NN’ breathtaking views, local charm, and history.

The short plan: arrive at 11:30, ride by metro to uphill central part, have a breakfast then Protected content walking on famous arched bridges with panoramic scenery. Then we take short excursion into ancient Palaty Olisova (built back to Protected content walk down to famous Rozhdestvenskaya street, have a dinner, and finally rest a bit (yep).
Since we in walking proximity to Volga River embankment we have chance to enjoy its fresh air and vast blue space (hope the weather will be in our side). From here we take a short ride uphill again on marshrutka to walk through and around the Kremlin for an hour. Minin’ square and Chkalov’ stairs will be right nearby. That’ it, we only have time to get another marshrutka to cross the river and have a short stop near magnificent Nizhniy Novgorod Fair’ building. Done!
This schedule is general and depends on the time we have and left