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Weekly Meeting

Hosted by a member of the Cluj-Napoca Community Group
Starts in 2 weeks 1 day
Thu 27 Mar 19:00 - 22:00

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Hi !
I found some events for me are interesting.. in Cluj
check them out and come to concert or stand up comedy (romanian language) is the site where you can find events in Cluj
27martie, ora 19.00
Tudor Gheorghe: Florile Salcâmilor Nebuni
Sala Auditorium Maximum , Cluj-Napoca
Strada Mihail Kogălniceanu 5,
sâmbătă, 29 martie, ora 18:30
Cluj-Napoca: Costel și Maria Popovici - Stand Up Comedy Show 1
Casa de Cultura a Studentilor, Cluj-Napoca
Piata Lucian Blaga, nr. 1-3

Cluj-Napoca: Concert Hooverphonic
FORM SPACE, Cluj-Napoca
Aleea Stadionului 2, Cluj-Napoca Protected content
marți, 8 aprilie

etc etc