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Atma Kriya Yoga

Hosted by a member of the Pune Community Group
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Took place 3 weeks 5 days ago
Sat 15 Feb 10:00 - Sun 16 Feb 17:00

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Atma Kriya Yoga is the technique that elevates your love and inner peace to a whole new level. Blessed by the Masters Paramahamsa Vishwananda and Mahavatar Babaji, Atma Kriya Yoga makes you a clear and authentic person by nurturing love in your heart and calming the thoughts in your mind. You let go of old patterns and find a harmonious relationship with yourself.

Meditation, yoga postures, breathing exercises, and mantra repetition are part of your daily Atma Kriya practice. It’s up to you whether you want to practice for just 20 minutes or 50 minutes a day. This meditation course gives you a treasure chest full of tools over a weekend to support you in becoming your true self – in connection with the Divine.

The Shaktipat guarantees the success of the techniques and the safety of the student. It allows the student to make swift progress in the techniques and to achieve not just some limited benefits, but the fullness of what Atma Kriya Yoga has to offer.

No longer compare yourself to others but discover your own worth with Atma Kriya Yoga. We look forward to welcoming you!

No prior knowledge is required. Prior knowledge of yoga asanas or meditation is helpful but not essential. Join this course if it resonates with your heart!

Bring proper clothing to be comfortable, flexible and warm, so we can meditate and also do some yoga postures together.

The two days course expense fee: 4.000 rs

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