Synchronicities: A Guide to Surfing the Apocalypse
How can we become better at making the right decisions? What IS a “right” or “good” decision? Are we feeling into the moment, or simply considering an outcome -- like will it make me happier, or ease my pain, or add to my abundance?
What if there are no ‘right or wrong’ choices, as the parable about the Chinese farmer whose horse ran away implies? If every decision opens up new, unforeseen opportunities which can ultimately move you to where you want to go, how does that affect our decision-making? First, I suppose, we do need to have some defined goals.
The universe – and this is so cool -- is intelligent and responsive. It will ALL WAYS give you clues and messages to guide you. When you’re making decisions that are in alignment with your core being, synchronicities will occur and we have all experienced them.
Join us Saturday to talk about synchronicities, resonance, “flowing” with the universe, and how all of this relates to skillfully surfing through these prophetic and apocalyptic times.
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