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Dive Into the Fascinating Art of Pareidolia

Hosted by a member of the Izmir Community Group
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Starts today at 19:00
Wed 02 Oct 19:00 - 21:00

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The exhibition From Pareidolia to Illustration, featuring works by Sevgi Mülayim, opens on October 2 at 19:00 at Monk Artroom.

What is pareidolia? In psychology, it is the tendency to perceive a meaningful image, often an illusion, in a random or ambiguous visual stimulus.

She combines the imaginary world she created as a child from popcorn, clouds, and similar objects with her unique style, transforming random spots/shapes into different characters and worlds.

Sevgi, a graduate of Hacettepe University’s Department of Fine Arts Sculpture, has been illustrating since Protected content . Last year, she held her first exhibition, From Pareidolia to Illustration, in Ankara.
Sevgi aims to take the exhibition to as many different cities as possible and connect these diverse perspectives with curious people. The exhibition will be open from October 2 to 9.