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You Are Invited: Calgary Blues Music Festival Kickoff Bash Event

Hosted by a member of the Calgary Community Group
Event Cover Photo
Starts in 2 days
Mon 29 Jul 18:30 - 21:30

Ready to Join?

Important: First, I need you to please call to the venue, King Eddy, at Phone: Protected content ask the staff to add your name to the 2 front row centre tables (4 in each table) reserved under "Internations (Sarfraz)" for July 29th., Monday at 6:30 pm before signing up in this attendee list. I will be checking with the staff there to verify if these names from this attendee list had been added by their staff and if not found, you will not be included in the final attendee list. So sign up here only if you are sure to attend as reserving a seat and then not showing up at the event ,thereby taking up space from the venue which damages their business, will hurt the "Internations" brand as we had that experience from some of our past events. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Event details:

"Come kick off Calgary Bluesfest with us at the legendary home of the blues, the King Eddy! Starring the Corbie Dorner Trio with Brett Spaulding and Kent McCrae, this is gonna be a night to remember! Bring your dancing shoes! Free Event.

If you are interested to attend any of the other events then checkout the detail schedule from August 1st to 4th in the following link
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I have not decided yet if I want to host any other events from August 1st to 4th but consider this as a information only at this stage. You can host it yourself if you like.

Cheers !