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Merry Christmas - Merry Brunch!

Hosted by the Consul of the Montréal Weekend Breakfast Group
Started 11 minutes ago
Sat 21 Dec 11:00 - 13:00

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Rendez-vous à Protected content à 11 h 00.

This elegant European-style brasserie is located in the heart of the chic Outremont district.

On the menu, we find a variety of breakfast dishes: eggs, omelettes, French toasts, salmon tartar and more...


As we're just a few days away from Christmas, let's get into the spirit!

If you've got a Christmas hat, bring it along and wear it! You can also wear a red/green top or something reminiscent of Christmas... 🎅 Let's get creative!

🎄See you soon ! 🎄

A reminder message will be sent to you on the Thursday 19/Friday 20 and confirmation will be requested.
Please stay tuned.