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Kinderdijk, the Windmills Magic

Hosted by the Consul of the Rotterdam Carpe Diem Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 5 days ago
Sun 22 Sep 11:00 - 17:00

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Hello everyone! 🙂
I would like to invite you to explore the Kinderdijk estate, a UNESCO cultural heritage site.
We’ll be able to enter the windmills, visit the museums, and take a boat ride through the estate. Isn’t that fantastic?
The perfect adventure to socialize and learn a bit more about the history of the country that welcomes us. We’ll have the freedom to choose our own path and stop for a drink or even lunch whenever we feel like it! What do you think?
The trip there will be via the WaterBus, so we’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the views of Rotterdam from the river.

If you participated in the pancake cruise event and were one of the people too focused on the pancakes to enjoy the views, this is the perfect opportunity!

The meeting point will be at Protected content at 10:45 AM.
Both the boat trip and the entry tickets can be purchased on the location. BUT ATTENTION: ONLY CARD PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTED

Kinderdijk entry €19.59
WaterBus €10 (round trip)

If you prefer not to go by boat and would rather drive in your own car, you can go directly there and only pay the entry to Kinderdijk.
In that case, you need to be there at 12:00 PM at Protected content .

For any questions, I’m available via WhatsApp: Protected content