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Luxembourg City Lovers Group

"Let's explore what Luxembourg has to offer!"
Welcome to the Luxembourg City Trotters! This group is for everyone who would like to meet up with fellow members while exploring the city and its surroundings!

Upcoming Activities

Let's meet in Limpertburg's iconic Protected content for beer cremonte, flamkuken and their infamous burger. Chips [Fries]? No problem. Sel, Rosemary Garlic. You get the picture.

Our regular meet up at Protected content will introduce you to Limpertsburg culture. It's at the bottom of a glass! Last time we had a fabulous evening and were the last to leave! That tells you something.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Friday Is Time for a Burger or Flamkuken
Fri 14 Mar 18:29

We visited La Roche-en-Ardenne in October for an excellent Halloween event.
We all agreed it should be seen in the daylight. Spring is sprung so lets go. First we shall have lunch here and after this discover all the nice spots in this town. Depending on the weather there are quite a lot of inside and/or outside activities possible. You can find information about the best things to do in La Roche-en-ardenne here:Protected content for supper. However, open to suggestions regarding the exact schedule.

We can meet to Protected content

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Revisit to the Beautiful Town in Belgium
Sat 05 Apr 10:00

Past Activities

Each year in Luxembourg and indeed across Europe on the first Sunday of lent bonfires are lit to chase away winter.
This is an ancient and indeed UNESCO recognized tradition that goes back to pagan times.

Fortunately, it’s also accompanied by food soup and, of course, crémant.

This year I am targetingProtected content but the final destination may change depending upon parking and public transport.
I am also hoping that some of our Luxembourg friends will turn up to explain the tradition.
Details are a little patchy so also be prepared for the time to change.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Burn Baby Burn-Time to Take Part in Buergbrennen
Sun 09 Mar 18:04

Time to revisit Protected content . And maybe even the Terrace. There will be a revisit.

For those that don't know, Protected content is another Luxembourg Icon with an English character. Pints, burning log fires on a lovely terrace overlooking the river with spectacular views of the fortifications and Guinness.
We will meet up at 19:30 on Friday. They sell wine and soft drinks.

Don't be shy if you are new, I will ensure you feel at home. And don't worry if you don't want to drink alcohol. There is a tap in the bathroom :).

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Spring Is in the Air. Maybe Even a Terrace
Fri 07 Mar 19:30

Spring might not officially begin until March 19th with the vernal equinox, but meteorologists and climatologists consider March 1st the beginning of spring!

So, let's go back to the Meteorologists and Climatologists and have dinner to celebrate. And we can do it again on the 19th. And where better to celebrate thanProtected content

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Celebrate the Start of Spring With Dinner
Sat 01 Mar 19:30
Sat 15:00

Since our last event was very successful, and a lot of us walked away with some lovely newfound treasures, I decided to do a repeat.

The idea is simple: we bring any items that we want to get rid off but are still in a very good condition and we exchange for new items that we like and want to take home 😁
Please kindly bring washed and preferably ironed clothes, any accessories or home goods that you think someone can still use and enjoy.

The event will be held in Protected content

I will serve wine and snacks, but please feel free to bring anything to eat or drink you would like to share🍻😁🍛🥐🥨🧁🍩🍪🍷🍷🍾🥂🍻🍸🍹☕

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Pre- Spring Closet Clear Out
Sat 22 Feb 15:00

As it's Wednesday, named after the Norse God Odin, (no, not the guy in the Marvel films) then it's time to meet up for an after-work snack and a drink. I have searched high and low in Luxembourg for somewhere smart, sophisticated, architecturally beautiful, and cheap.
And of course, failed. No where in Luxembourg is cheap! So I have settled forProtected content
And what's the event? Well, it's literally an after-work; My last working day in NATO. You don't get after-works like that very often.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Let's Celebrate Wednesday. Odin, God of... Wednesday
Wed 19 Feb 19:30

Let's meet in Limpertburg's iconic Protected content for beer cremonte, flamkuken and their infamous burger. Chips [Fries]? No problem. Sel, Rosemary Garlic. You get the picture. Even couples are welcome. But please save the cow eyes for later.

Our regular meet up at Protected content will introduce you to Limpertsburg culture. It's at the bottom of a glass! Last time we had a fabulous evening and were the last to leave! That tells you something.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
NOT a Valentines Meet at an Iconic Bar
Fri 14 Feb 18:29
Sat 19:30

No, I mean the structure of the building not the Clientelle. Especially not when we are there. So this is your chance to join us at Luxembourg’s oldest venue it’s a charming bar, especially in summer with the most fabulous views from the terrace at the front. However, for the moment the Terrace is strictly preserved for the smokers! I will book a table inside you can have a drink and if you wish, some delicious food as well. Note the day is Saturday.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Luxembourg's Oldest Bar?
Sat 08 Feb 19:30
Sat 07:30

Living in Luxembourg has so many advantages, one of which is the close proximity to other beautiful capitals in Europe 🇪🇺
I am planning a one-day trip to Paris, as it's only 2h by train 😁
So if you want to spend a wonderful day in the (fashion) capital of the world, join in!
We can work out the travel details and a plan, once we have a group.

I am definitely thinking of a coffee or glass of wine in Place Vandome...are you too ? 😎☕🍷🍛🥂🍹

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
One Day in Paris
Sat 01 Feb 07:30

For those staying dry, your journey is over. Following the success of our Friday visit to Protected content , there will be a revisit.

For those that don't know, Protected content is another Luxembourg Icon with an English character. Pints, burning log fire's and Guinness. We will meet up at 19:30 on Friday. They sell pints of IPA.

And did you know what IPA means? Indian Pale Ale. Developed to quench the thirst of British Troops in India during the empire. Now for some reason terribly fashionable. Don't ask me why. Guinness is far more politically correct, if they have not run out.

Don't be shy if you are new, I will ensure you feel at home. And don't worry if you don't want to drink alcohol. There is a tap in the bathroom :).

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Farewell Dry Jan Revisit England's Finest Pub in Lux.
Fri 31 Jan 19:30

Let's meet in Limpertburg's iconic Protected content for beer cremonte, flamkuken and their infamous burger. Chips [Fries]? No problem. Sel, Rosemary Garlic. You get the picture.

Our regular meet up at Protected content will introduce you to Limpertsburg culture. It's at the bottom of a glass! Last time we had a fabulous evening and were the last to leave! That tells you something.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
FRIDAY Is Time for A Burger or Flamkuken
Fri 24 Jan 18:30

"Some of us are living in the gutter, but we are looking at the stars. " Time to raise our eyes above the mundane and enjoy the finest of German contemporary art alongside the most staggering industrial archaeology. Join us at Sarbruken to enjoy the finest collection of modernist German art as well as an amazing UNESCO industrial heritage site followed by some delicious German food. It’s up to you if you want the curry worst no shame. We will car share. The only limit in numbers is spaces in people's cars.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Modern German Art and Industrial Heritage. Supper.
Sat 18 Jan 11:00
Thu 18:31

Thursday, 16 January at 6.30pm to start a 7.00pm upstairs at Protected content

Terry Adams has lived in Strassen, Luxembourg for the past thirty-four years. He is originally from the Irish midlands (Co. Offaly). Before moving to the Duchy, he lived four years in the USA.

He has written novels and short stories, but his passion is poetry. He has eleven self-published books, seven of poetry.

Terry will read poems from various of his books, divided into Family, Social, Mind, Friends, World, Endings.

Jon Meehan is an Irish-born singer-songwriter living in Luxembourg whose songs blend humourous and insightful lyrics with acoustic fingerstyle, percussive rhythm, jazzy chords and rockin’ riffs.

Entry is free, but please do email Fiona if you plan to come Protected content

Afterwards we will eat and drink.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Poetry Prose A Drink and A Bite
Thu 16 Jan 18:31

Let's meet in Limpertburg's iconic Protected content for beer cremonte flamkuken and their infamous burger. Chips[Fries ]? No problem. Sel, Rosemary Garlic. You get the picture.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Sick of Christmas Leftovers? Time for A Burger or Flamkuken
Fri 10 Jan 18:30
Fri 19:29

it’s over! You can relax! You don’t have to drink Glew wine anymore! Come along for a beer and maybe a bite to eat and celebrate the start of the weekend at the iconic Protected content . Located in the Grund it never fails to please.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Christmas Detox at the Pub
Fri 27 Dec 19:29
Fri 19:30

by popular demand, we are going to enjoy dinner in Peru. Well, a touch of Peru near the Gare. Definitely no guinea pigs on the menu, but we will be joined by Paddington Bear.

Luxembourg City Lovers Group
Dinner in Peru
Fri 20 Dec 19:30