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Ernesto Neto Exhibition « Le Serpent »

Hosted by the Consul of the Paris Portuguese and Brazilian Culture Group
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Took place 3 weeks 3 days ago
Mon 17 Feb 17:30 - 19:45

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"Se Adão e Eva não tivessem comido a Maçã Divina, ainda estariam no paraíso, não estariam? E nós? Onde estaríamos?"
(If Adam and Eve had not eaten the Divine Apple, they would still be in paradise, wouldn't they? And us? Where would we be?)

Para iniciar as comemorações dos Protected content da relação França-Brasil, oferecemos a você uma exposição do surpreendente artista brasileiro.

Born in Protected content Rio de Janeiro, Ernesto Neto is a major contemporary artist, recognized for his sculptural crochet installations.
His works, similar to living organisms, engage several senses and seek to reconnect man with nature.
They are made to be crossed, inhabited and felt, sometimes even smelled.
The spectator is thus invited to experiment freely with his body, his senses and his mind.
For several years, Ernesto Neto has used exclusively natural materials such as cotton, spices, wood, clay and tree leaves.

Famous in France since his exhibition "Léviathan Thot" at the Panthéon in Protected content , the artist has exhibited all over the world, he returns to Paris and dazzles our senses at the Bon Marché Rive Gauche.

Aguardo você,

Maria Vânia