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Festival of Storytelling (Europe, Africa, & M.E. Time Zones)

Hosted by the Consul of the Global Writing & Storytelling Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Sat 23 Nov 19:00 - 20:00

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Around the world, year-end is synonymous with festivity, friends, and family. We celebrate a wide variety of holidays during these final weeks of the year, culminating in all of us coming together globally to ring in the New Year at midnight across each time zone on January 1st.

To enter into the spirit of the season, we invite you to join us for a Festival of Storytelling. Bring a story of a happy holiday season memory from any time over the years to share. Or, bring a story of a tradition that is important to you at this time of year.

Together we’ll share our stories and spread holiday cheer.

*Requirements for stories:

1) Positive stories only for this event. Keep it upbeat!
2) Aim to keep your storytelling to 3 min or less so everyone will have a chance to share and we’ll all have time for some conversation.
3) You are welcome to post your story on the wall instead of sharing it orally if you prefer or if you cannot make the event at the scheduled time.

We’re looking forward to hearing your stories and learning about your traditions!