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Hosted by the Consul of the Nice Culture, Tourism & Speak French Group
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Took place 1 month ago
Thu 13 Jun 14:45 - 16:30

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Nous renouvelons cette visite au CENTRE INTERNATIONAL d’ART CONTEMPORAIN de Carros, situé au sommet du Village de Carros, dans un château médiéval bâti sur un piton rocheux avec vue imprenable de la Méditerranée aux sommets du Mercantour.
Le CIAC accueille actuellement l’exposition "Matières premières - THE BELGIAN CONNECTION" représentative du dynamisme de la scène de l’art contemporain en Belgique avec comme fil conducteur les matières : bois, papier, béton, verre métal, pierre…
Une cinquantaine d'artistes sont conviés pour l'occasion et dévoilent leurs interprétations du thème "matières premières".

This visit has already been offered with great success and we are renewing the experience for those who were not available previously :
The CIAC is situated at the top of the village of CARROS, in the medieval castle built on a rocky outcrop offering a Protected content view from the Mediterranée to the mountains at the back.
The CIAC is currently hosting the exhibition “Matières premières - the BELGIAN CONNECTION” representative of the dynamism of the contemporary art scene in Belgium with materials as a common thread: wood, paper, concrete, glass, metal, stone, etc.
About fifty artists are invited for the occasion. They reveal their interpretations of the theme "raw materials".

Not to be missed,this exhibition will end soon.