Most Beautiful & Amazing X-Mas Markets in the World
A Christmas market is A Street Market associated with The Celebration of Christmas during The Four Weeks of Advent. These Markets originated in Germany but are now held in many Countries. Some in the U.S. have adapted the name to The Quasi – German Christkind Market substituting market for German Markt.
Christmas markets date to the Late Middle Ages in the German speaking part of Europe & in many parts of The Former Holy Roman Empire which included many Eastern Regions of modern France. They became A Popular Advent Custom during The Reformation Era. Dresden's Striezelmarkt was first held in Protected content one of the first true Christmas Markets ; earlier Markets of The Season were “ December Markets “. Early mentions of these “ December Markets” can be found in Vienna Protected content , Munich Protected content , Bautzen Protected content Frankfurt Protected content .
In this Interactive Serie, my dear friend & Consul Gunsu will share with us a very pleasant, highly visualized & informative video ( s ) about `` The Most Beautiful X – Mas Markets in The World `` and then we will talk about our preferences and/or additional libraries onto the list with your valuable participation.
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