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Contrary to Expectations:Could Commerce Drive Middle East Peace?

Hosted by the Consul of the Global Language & Cultural Exchange Group
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Took place 3 months ago
Sat 27 Apr 22:00 - 23:00

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Contrary to Expectations # Protected content a convenient time for WEST🌐region

Greetings to all freethinking truth-seekers!

Geopolitical instability is bad for business.


Could global business interests create more stability?

Could the long-term planning culture of China contribute to a new vision for the future?

We have a choice: thinking outside the box or letting the mainstream media influence what we feel.

Dominant themes in mainstream media are often in line with widely held expectations, perspectives or stereotypes. This just reinforces ingrained thought patterns, limits the scope for creative thinking and ultimately restricts the positive development of mankind, our shared experience of life and the quality of our biosphere, both at an individual and at a collective level.

In this series, Contrary to Expectations, let us share alternative narratives and perspectives to help each other “think outside the box”, look afresh at our world and explore different visions for the future.

This event will present some videos, each followed by time for respectful exploration of different perspectives. The videos will be chosen from this playlist:
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We can have a sequel with material not covered in this event, so no time pressure.

Please be respectful in the way you present your views and how you respond to other people's views.