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K Lounge: Playing the Innovation Game

Hosted by the Consul of the Global Webinars & Talks Group
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Starts in 1 month
Tue 22 Apr 20:30 - 21:30

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Series of Webinars, Talks and Q&A, different topic every session presented by our valuable speakers.

Our Speaker for this session:

MD. Loredana Regep
MD by training, former executive in the Pharma industry, studied drug development, clinical research, innovation and tech applications to healthcare. Moved to Costa Rica and started a new career as a whole person health, mental fitness and innovation coach.
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Topic: "This interactive workshop invites participants to unlock their creative potential through the principles of human-centered innovation.

In a fun, dynamic environment, you'll learn practical techniques to identify user needs and transform them into compelling solutions.

The session features two collaborative breakout activities where you can practice techniques that build on ideas rather than shutting them down.

This approach creates a safe space for wild thinking and unexpected connections, often leading to the most innovative solutions."

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