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Horcón to Cliffs of Quirilluca

Hosted by the Consul of the Santiago de Chile Trekking Group
Event Cover Photo
Starts in 3 days
Sat 21 Sep 10:00 - 17:00

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We are thrilled to invite you to an unforgettable trekking adventure between the picturesque locales of Horcón and Quirilluca. This coastal route will offer us the chance to explore the natural wonders of the Valparaíso Region, from the charming fishermen's cove in Horcón to the breathtaking cliffs of Quirilluca.

Route Highlights:

The serenity and beauty of Horcón’s Cove, with its relaxed ambiance and spectacular ocean views.
The trail will take us through renowned beaches and pathways meandering along the coast, offering unparalleled panoramic views.
Upon reaching Quirilluca, we will witness the majestic cliffs rising above the sea, a sight you won’t want to miss.
Trekking Details:

Estimated Duration: 6 hours
Difficulty Level: Moderate