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St. Valentine's on Raquettes Up on Col De Chavannais

Starts in 5 days
Sun 16 Feb 09:00 - 17:00

Ready to Join?

This will be a special hike with a SURPRISE! More details twds the end of the week :-)
Initially we take a forest track that climbs up to the Refuge de Chavan Protected content . We then continue in full sun to the Col de Chavannais Protected content with a wide panorama.
On the way back we take a little detour to admire a view of the Roc d'Enfer and surrounding landscape.

Climb: Protected content
St. Valentine's party: 1h00
Return: Protected content
Altitude difference: Protected content
Difficulty: 2 out of Protected content hike
Distance form GVA: ~45km

If interested, please sign in here and write if you need a ride or can take passengers in your car. Please only sign up, if you are really sure to join. We need min 3 people to do the hike.
Proper equipment (especially raquettes, change of shoes for the car) is mandatory! Sun protection, hiking poles and at least 1 litre of water and a hot drink are highly recommended!
Once signed in, please check your mailbox Saturday PM - there may be a message with updates on logistics, weather etc.
Those taking a ride pay the driver 20 cents per km for petrol unasked. Any peage is also being shared by all passengers (none on this hike).

By signing up, you release me from all responsibility in case of accidents, injuries or disappointments you might experience during this activity. You join at your own risk and are responsible for your safety and comfort during this event. The goal is to bring people together to enjoy nature.