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Caves Ouvertes Vaudoises

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Took place 2 months ago
Sat 18 May 09:15 - 16:30

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The open cellars for the "Canton Vaud" are happening on 18 and 19 May Protected content . Let's visit them!

Protected content Once at Gland train station, we will buy the glass and the bracelet, and then we will take the first shuttle bus available (there will be one every 30 minutes) to reach the "Domaine la Capitaine" from where we will start our wine tasting.

Once finished at this first domaine WE WILL WALK to the next one, where we will continue the wine tasting.

Then, we WILL WALK to the next one, and the next one, and the next one...until we are too tired to continue.

Anywhere along the walk, we will be able to stop and have some street food lunch all together.

At that point, we will take the first available shuttle bus to go to the closest train station and return back home.