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Hands Game, Naughty Game With an Inspired Serbian Artist

Hosted by the Consul of the Paris Eastern Europe Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Sat 18 May 11:30 - 13:00

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The title of the exhibition “Hands game, naughty game” is a play on words and meaning. Often addressed to children, the expression warns of the potential consequences of play. Ema identifies in this expression her work, which contains double motifs and double meaning, thus drawing attention to play with her works and with the he exhibition space which becomes a place of negotiation where different games are possible.

Drawing inspiration from her personal experience closely linked to the former Yugoslavia, as well as socio-political tensions and the current context of our time, Ema Bregović creates works with multiple meanings, playing with the symbolic connotations of famous archetypes and destroying traditional forms by using unusual materials. His large-format sculptures are made of materials such as aluminum, coal and concrete, and often contain unusual objects.

Ema Bregović began her artistic journey at the Atelier de Sèvres in Paris, then continued her studies at the École des Beaux-Arts in Nantes. Over the past ten years, Ema has created numerous sculptural works and exhibited in group and individual exhibitions in Istanbul, Zurich, Belgrade, Kragujevac, etc.