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Fun Language & Culture Exchange

Hosted by the Consul of the Tokyo Japanese Conversation Group
Event Cover Photo
Started today at 10:00
Sun 09 Feb 10:00 - 12:00

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Welcome to "Fun Language & Culture Exchange:-)"

We will enjoy "Language and Culture Exchange" in a fun way together as follows.

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< Overview >

1. Icebreak: Introduction, small talk
2. Language & Culture exchange
・Small groups of 4 or 5 people
・Rotate the languages and people regularly
(English conversation time: 30mins / Japanese conversation time : 30mins)

3. (Option) Lunch : I will let you know later!

*For Japanese language learners;
・You can speak both Japanese and English during Japanese conversation time if you find it difficult to keep speaking Japanese.
・I will bring some Japanese learning text books for your reference.

We can get a drink at Starbucks, MacDonald, Dotour, Covenience store in the same building.

Lets learn and enjoy different languages and culture together :)
