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Historical Train Ride - From Titisee to Seebrugg and Back

Hosted by the Consul of the Freiburg Outdoor Group
Starts in 1 week
Sat 28 Dec 09:00 - 18:00

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Come join us for a wonderful ride on a historical train along the "3 Seen Bahn". The historical train departs from Titisee and takes you all the way to Seebrugg. You can hop on and off along the way. The idea if the weather is nice is to ride all the way to Seebrugg and then hike back along the Schluchsee lake to Schluchsee Station Protected content or Aha Station (1h 33 min) before hopping back on the train to return to Titisee. According to the museum's website, this year the steam engine will be used.
The two-way ticket on the historical train has a costs of 20 euros from Titisee to Seebrugg and back. You should also consider the costs of getting to Titisee.