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Pub Quiz!

Hosted by the Consul of the Duesseldorf Quizzes & Team Building Group
Event Cover Photo
Starts today at 19:15
Sun 09 Mar 19:15 - 23:00

Ready to Join?


Let’s join our heads, play together, and have a lot of fun!
The Quiz starts at 19:30. I will be waiting for you inside the Pub.
How it works:
- 8 rounds with a lot of different questions so everyone will know a bit!
No worries, the questions are presented in English and German, and there is a bit of everything (science, history, geography, popular culture, etc).
At the end, there's a raffle to win the jackpot.

See you there!!!

*PS. If you change your mind and will not attend the quiz, please cancel your participation at least 24 hours before, this will let others have the chance to join us. Thanks 😊