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Unique Opportunity - Free Walk-in Winetasting With Winemaker

Hosted by the Consul of the The Hague Wine Tasting Group
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Starts in 2 days
Thu 06 Mar 16:00 - 20:00

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Tinashe Nyamudoka, born in Zimbabwe, is a renowned wine-expert and maker in South-Africa. After having moved to South_africa in Protected content , he worked himself up to Head Sommelier in the famous Test Kitchen restaurant in Kaapstad, SA.

In Protected content , he launched his own wine brand Kumusha Wines, meaning ¨your home¨.

Roughle 8 of his wines will be open taste for free, meet him in person and ask him about his upcoming, way of making his wines and enjoy this unique opportunity.

Trust me, his wines you have to try. So if you´re around pop-by.