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CPH Light Festival - Hike 12K Around to See the Light Art

Hosted by the Consul of the Copenhagen Singles Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 3 weeks 5 days ago
Fri 14 Feb 18:15 - 21:00

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Copenhagen Light Festival - Gå med LYSET

Allerede fra d. 16 januar kan du opleve årets værker på Nørrebro, Vestre Kirkegård og Sydhavn Genbrugscenter.

Oplev mere end 50 værker når festivalen starter d. 31. januar.
Programmet opdateres løbende.

Download the app called: 'Within10Minutes' to see all the locations and the different events.

Walk with the LIGHT - Gå med KÆRLIGHED - Valentines day 14/2 ;o)

Hiking regards
Lars, mob.: Protected content

I'll create a WhatsApp groups, so we can keep track of each other.