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Sugarland Walking Trail - (5.5~6 Miles)

Hosted by the Consul of the Houston Explore Texas Group
Event Cover Photo
Starts in 5 days
Sat 08 Mar 09:00 - 11:15

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Come meet fellow members....
while walking and enjoying this great trail!
This time we will walk the rest of the Trails we didn't walk.....
While checking out the scenery at the park.

RT (5.5~6 Miles)

The Protected content Oasis Riverfront
Green space is Fantastic place for
Hiking and Exploring.
Visitors looking to escape the bustling city will find more than 3 miles of 8-foot wide granite gravel jogging trails, and even a lake for fishing and canoeing.
Beautiful trails and the opportunity to see alligators, native bird species, and woodland animals, veterans memorial.

We will walk shaded and some not shaded parts of trails while checking out the scenery.
Dog on Leash is allowed.

Parking: Lot