The Magical Town of Tepotzotlán
Let's have an incredible time, getting to know ✨Tepotzotlan✨Magical Town, since Protected content .
The town possesses the jewel of the Mexican Churrigueresque style: The National Museum of the Viceroyalty, built in Protected content the Jesuit College of San Francisco Javier.
We´ll also have the incredible visit to the imposing Aqueduct of Tepotzotlán, which has forty-three arches and is Protected content high. The view, and the landscape it worth it to know, so don´t miss it!!
Ex Convent of San Francisco Javier (*)
National Museum of the Viceroyalty (*)
Arches of the Site (*)
Square of the Cross
San Pedro Apostol Parish Church
Craft Square
✅INCLUDED Round trip + Traveler's insurance on the Van
❌Not included Tips, Services or Entrance Fees not specified, and/or any personal expenses
Cost of Local Guide: $170 p/person (*)
Entrance to the Museum: $95 p/person
❗️Important❗️ Reserved it´s only considered with the deposit of the trip cost. There´s not refund for cancellation (unless we cancel the activity)
✔️👁🗨Confirm your attendance BEFORE 16 th of January
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