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Craft Breweries of Wynwood Walking Tour

Hosted by a member of the Miami DinnerNations Group
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Starts in 1 week 4 days
Fri 31 Jan 19:00 - 23:55

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We will tour three different microbreweries in Wynwood. Join us for an evening of meeting new people, conversation and innovative new beers brewed right here in Miami.

7PM - Temple Craft Wynwood. You can get something to eat for your dinner here.

9PM - Casa La Rubia. Friday nights you can do a bit of Salsa dancing here. My favorite beer here is LA YUMA, an amber lager.

11PM - Cerveceria La Tropical. Don't let the modern look fool you. The brewery was founded in Cuba in Protected content . During the revolution La Tropical’s assets were seized (literally at gunpoint). So much for the history lessons. I am thinking of what I'll order - their La Original which is also an amber lager.