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Let's Meet in Tübingen

Hosted by the Consul of the Stuttgart New in Town Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Thu 28 Nov 19:30 - 21:30

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Are you new in Stuttgart, need some friends or some advice?
Let's meet and share our experiences...

This time, I organize an event in Tübingen to give opportunity for the members from this region to join.

Please note that the location is in Tübingen reachable with IRE Protected content and the pub is not far away from the train station:
18:15 Stuttgart Hbf -> IRE 6 -> 18:58 Tübingen Hbf

17:11 Stuttgart Hbf -> IRE Protected content 17:59 Tübingen Hbf (You could come one hour earlier and have a walk in the city before coming to pub)

See you then.

Emre Öncü